Infertility is a challenging and often emotionally taxing issue that affects millions of couples worldwide. It can stem from various factors, both male and female, leading to difficulties in conceiving naturally. However, with the advancements in medical science, particularly in the field of reproductive medicine, infertility treatments have become increasingly effective for both men and women. This article will explore how infertility treatments work, their success rates, and why Akshara Fertility Center is a trusted choice for those seeking help in Chennai.

Understanding Infertility in Men and Women

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse. It can be due to issues in either the male or female partner, or both.

Infertility Treatment Options

Thanks to modern reproductive medicine, there are various treatment options available for both men and women struggling with infertility. Here’s an overview of the most common and effective treatments:

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI):

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI):

Donor Sperm or Egg:

Surgical Treatments:

Success Rates of Infertility Treatments

The success of infertility treatments varies depending on several factors, including age, the underlying cause of infertility, and the specific treatment used. However, it is widely recognized that infertility treatments can be highly effective for both men and women.

Factors Influencing Treatment Success

Several factors influence the success of infertility treatments:

Why Choose Akshara Fertility Center?

When it comes to choosing a fertility center in Chennai, Akshara Fertility Center stands out for its commitment to personalized care, advanced treatment options, and high success rates. Here’s why you should consider Akshara Fertility Center for your fertility journey:


Infertility treatment is a promising solution for couples struggling to conceive, offering hope and the possibility of starting a family. With a wide range of effective treatments available for both men and women, success rates have improved significantly, even for those with complex fertility issues. At Akshara Fertility Center in Chennai, patients receive the highest quality care, backed by expertise, advanced technology, and a compassionate approach. If you’re facing infertility challenges, Akshara Fertility Center is here to help you on your journey to parenthood.

Frequently Asked Questions About Infertility Treatment at Akshara Fertility Center

1. What are the common causes of infertility in men and women?

In men, common causes of infertility include low sperm count, poor sperm motility, abnormal sperm shape, hormonal imbalances, and genetic factors. In women, infertility is often caused by ovulation disorders, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, or uterine abnormalities. Age is also a significant factor for both men and women.

2. What is the success rate of IVF treatment?

The success rate of IVF treatment varies depending on several factors, including the age of the woman, the quality of the sperm and eggs, and any underlying health conditions. On average, women under 35 have a success rate of about 40-50% per cycle, while women aged 40 and above have lower success rates, often around 15-25% per cycle. However, the use of donor eggs can significantly improve outcomes for older women.

3. Can lifestyle changes improve the chances of successful infertility treatment?

Yes, lifestyle changes can positively impact the success of infertility treatments. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, managing stress, and engaging in regular physical activity can all contribute to improved fertility and better treatment outcomes.

4. Is infertility treatment painful?

Infertility treatments generally involve some level of discomfort, but most procedures are not considered painful. For example, hormone injections during IVF may cause mild discomfort, and egg retrieval is usually performed under sedation to minimize pain. IUI and embryo transfer procedures are typically quick and involve minimal discomfort. Your fertility specialist will provide guidance on pain management and what to expect during each step of the treatment process.

5. Why should I choose Akshara Fertility Center for my treatment?

Akshara Fertility Center in Chennai offers a combination of expert care, advanced technology, and personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. The center is known for its high success rates, compassionate support, and comprehensive range of fertility services, from initial assessments to complex treatments like IVF and ICSI. With a dedicated team of experienced specialists, Akshara Fertility Center ensures that you receive the best possible care throughout your fertility journey.